What is your level of commitment?

What is your level of commitment? This question narrows your focus and makes your intentions clear. Ask yourself this question when you’re thinking of beginning something new in the classroom, taking on a new mental health strategy, or even reflecting on your current teaching position. It’s important to answer this question for yourself because it helps us get real about the boundaries and expectations, we might have towards a given task or project. 

The important part about answering this question is to be honest with yourself and then act accordingly. You don’t need to make judgements on your behavior or your level of commitment, the strategy here is to identify what you are willing to give and be clear about that. 

One last comment and then I’ll move on: If you are trying to foster more commitment in a given area in your life, start small. When I say small, I mean really small. Begin by committing five minutes to whatever it is you want to manifest in your life. 

For example, exercise is a big one. If you want to exercise, begin by moving your body in any way you choose for fives a day, Monday through Friday. If that feels okay for a couple of months, you can add a few minutes to your commitment. 

Try this out and let me know how it goes!


here we go again…